An Unexpected Journey: My Experience at Pycon Somalia 2024

When I was wanted to participate in Pycon Somalia 2024, I envisioned it as a straightforward conference where I would showcase how to build a system using Django. I prepared diligently, anticipating a session focused on code, frameworks, and the technicalities of Django. What I didn’t expect, however, was the profound experience I would have—connecting with an incredible array of tech enthusiasts, each with their unique stories and aspirations.

Connecting with Enthusiasts

From the moment I arrived, the energy in the room was palpable. It wasn’t just about the workshop; it was about the people. I had the privilege of meeting students from various backgrounds, each with a shared passion for technology but different paths that brought them to this event. Two students, in particular, stood out to me—both pursuing engineering degrees and well-versed in the MERN stack. They approached me with a curiosity about Django, intrigued by its simplicity compared to the JavaScript-based frameworks they were accustomed to. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and it reminded me of the diverse possibilities within the tech field.

I also had the chance to interact with students who were delving into Python as part of their studies in Cybersecurity and Networking. Their focus was different, but the underlying drive to master technology was the same. We discussed how Django could complement their existing skills and open up new avenues in their respective fields.

Diving into the Details

As the workshop progressed, it became clear that while the technical aspects were important, the real value lay in breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms. Many students were grappling with the overwhelming array of terminologies—programming languages, frameworks, libraries, packages—and how they all fit together. I spent a significant portion of the session helping them navigate these concepts, drawing connections between what they already knew and what they were eager to learn.

Explaining the differences between a programming language like Python, a framework like Django, and libraries or packages was more than just a lesson in terminology. It was about empowering them with the confidence to explore further, to understand that these tools are all part of a larger ecosystem that they can master with time and effort.

The Impact

Reflecting on the experience, I’m struck by how much I gained from the event. The connections I made were not just professional but personal. Seeing the excitement in the eyes of the participants, hearing their questions, and sharing in their learning journey was incredibly fulfilling. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing a newfound interest in Django and a desire to continue learning.

But perhaps the most significant impact was on me. This experience reinforced my belief in the importance of community and knowledge-sharing. It reminded me that no matter how advanced or experienced we become, there’s always value in going back to the basics, in helping others take their first steps in a new direction.


As I look back on Pycon Somalia 2024, I realize it was more than just a conference—it was a journey of discovery, connection, and growth. The experience exceeded my expectations in every way, and I’m excited about the future possibilities that these new connections may bring. I leave with a sense of fulfillment and a renewed commitment to continue sharing knowledge, fostering curiosity, and being a part of this vibrant tech community.


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